How to add checkpoint firewall in Eve-ng

Adding checkpoint firewall in eve-ng is very simple, Eve-ng has provided one of the best platform for unlimited testing and practice for examination. To add checkpoint firewall in Eve-ng, we need Checkpoint firewall OVF image.
I have provided the download link for checkpoint firewall below and explained in detail to add checkpoint firewall in eve-ng. We need to upload the ovf image in Eve-ng and then we have to convert it hda.qcow2 and move it to correct folder.

There are two ways that you can use to add checkpoint firewall in eve-ng.
1. Download the ISO image and install the Checkpoint firewall on VMware and then export it to OVF. After exporting the OVF image you have to upload to Eve-ng and then convert it to hda.qcow2.

To download the Checkpoint firewall ISO image use below link.
(i)  From Checkpoint website – Download
(ii) Direct Download Checkpoing ISO image

How to install Checkpoint firewall on VMware
How to add Checkpoint firewall in GNS3

  1. Second method is very simple, where you just need to download OVF template from below link and upload to Eve-ng. After Uploading follow below steps.

Download Checkpoint firewall OVF image from below link-
(i) From Checkpoint Website – Download
(ii) Direct Download Checkpoint OVF template

1. First we need to create  temporary folder in Eve-ng from CLI.
mkdir abc
cd abc

2. Upload the downloaded image to the EVE root/abc folder using for example FileZilla or WinSCP.

3. we need to Uncompress raw image to get vmdk file:
tar xf Check_Point_Security_Gateway_R77.30_OVF_Template_Gaia

4. Create target image folder:

Image folder names and hdd names is taken accordingly to qemu image naming table.

mkdir /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/cpsg-R77-30

5. Convert vmdk raw file to hda.qcow2
you can use ls command to check available files in folder and to move to any folder use cd foldername command
cd Check_Point_SG_R77.30_VE_NM
/opt/qemu/bin/qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 Check_Point_SG_R77.30_VE-disk1.vmdk hda.qcow2

6. Copy converted image HDD to target folder:

mv hda.qcow2 /opt/unetlab/addons/qemu/cpsg-R77-30/hda.qcow2

7. Delete temporary folder:
cd ..
cd ..
rm -rf abc

8. Fix permissions:
/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions

Original CheckPoint image default login on cli and WEB is  admin/admin

9. Open the Eve-ng and Select the checkpoint firewall and start the node enjoy-

Checkpoint firewall in eve-ng


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5 years ago

Is there any period for the image. Today, when connect from smartconsole, it shows “Evaluation License Expired”

Puneet Kumar
Puneet Kumar
5 years ago

Above link is for R77.30
please share link for R80.20 OVF
thanks in advance

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