What is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)?

dynamic host control protocol DHCP

DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) In networks with a large number of hosts, statically assigning IP addresses and other IP information quickly becomes impractical. Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) provides administrators with a mechanism to dynamically allocate IP addresses, gateway and DNS rather than manually setting the address on each device. DHCP servers lease out IP … Read more

What is Difference between Static and Dynamic Routing?

difference static routing dynamic routing

[threecol_two class=”alpha”][/threecol_two] [threecol_one class=”omega”] There are two basic methods of building a routing table: Static Routing Dynamic Routing [/threecol_one] A static routing table is created, maintained, and updated by a network administrator, manually. A static route to every network must be configured on every router for full connectivity. This provides a granular level of control … Read more

81,000 Hacked Private messages from Facebook accounts for sale

[threecol_two class=”alpha”][/threecol_two] [threecol_one class=”omega”]Hackers appear to have compromised and published private messages from at least 81,000 Facebook users’ accounts. The perpetrators told the Russian Service that they had details from a total of 120 million accounts, which they were attempting to sell, although there are reasons to be sceptical about that figure. [/threecol_one] Facebook said … Read more

How To Run Tracetcp In Windows and Linux

TraceTcp is mostly used by end users to test the TCP port connectivity. They do Tracetcp from windows command line, Tracetcp uses TCP SYN packets rather than ICMP/UDP packets that the usual implementations use, thus bypassing gateways that block traditional traceroute packets tracetcp. To run Tracetcp in windows, two components are required- Wincap and Tracetcp.exe. … Read more

TCP Three-Way Handshake

TCP Three-Way Handshake

TCP requires a connection to be established between two end systems before data transfer can begin. TCP establishes the connection using a process that is called the TCP three-way handshake. This process involves setting the SYN bit and ACK bit in the segments between the two devices. An important function that is performed during connection establishment is … Read more

Understanding 7 layers of OSI model

7 Layers of OSI model is a base of networking. Let’s understand what is OSI model first OSI Model is a conceptual model for understanding and designing a network architecture that is flexible, robust, and inter-operable. An open system is a set of protocols that allows any two different systems to communicate regardless of their underlying architecture. … Read more